Ruslan Uteev

Appointed to the position of Deputy Chairman of the Board of PTC Holding LLP in June 2020.

From 2020 to the present – General Director of PTC Operator LLP.

2015-2020 — Managing Director, General Director at Premium Oil Trans LLP/Petroleum LLP.

2012-2014 – Director at KazImplexOperating LLP.

2008-2014 – Deputy Director at DAN-TRANS LLP.

2004-2008 – manager of DAN-TRANS LLP.

He received a master’s degree from the Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communication. M. Tynyshpaeva (2016-2018).

Graduated from the International Academy of Business with a degree in management. Joint program with Sheffield Halam University (2012-2014)

Graduated from the University of International Business with a degree in finance and credit (2003-2007).

PTC Operator
in numbers
13.8 mln tons freight capacity in 2021
12598 cistern-wagons
16 countries business geography
184 number of staff
Our companies
PTC Транс