Provision of cisterns

PTC Operator is one of the largest operators of oil and liquefied gas transportation in the Republic of Kazakhstan. TOP 3 of the largest owners of cistern-wagons for the transportation of oil and petroleum products in Central Asia, with a fleet of 10874 cistern-wagons, 576 petrochemical and 1148 gas cisterns. The company successfully cooperates with the largest petrochemical enterprises of Kazakhstan, Russia and China, being the exclusive operator of petrochemical cargoes and liquefied gas of LLP «Atyrau Refinery».


    PTC Operator
    в цифрах
    15.6 млн тонн объем перевозок за 2022 год
    12598 вагонов-цистерн
    16 стран география бизнеса
    184 количество персонала
    Наши компании
    PTC Транс
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